Thursday, March 19, 2009

Swimming Pool Chlorine

I clean my swimmingpool and want to maintain a 1.0 to 1. 5 ppm chlorine level in my swimmingpool water. How can I do this during summer?
Summer can get really hot if you live in a tropical country, and this means that it will be a great challenge for you to maintain your desired chlorine level.
Chlorine is a gas. These means that even if you have granular, tablet, or liquid chlorine applied on your swimming pool, this element will still evaporate upon contact with heat, particularly sunlight.
So, let's say you have a 4 meter by 8 meter swimming pool and you live in Makati City, Philippines. Here are some of the things you should purchase to maintain a 1.0 ppm to 1.5 ppm chlorine reading: 1. A chlorine dispenser 2. chlorine tablets 90% 3. stabilizer (cyanuic acid) 4. 70% granular chlorine. After purchasing these items, place the 90% tablet chlorine inside your chlorine floating dispenser. Then leave the floating dispenser floating on your swimming pool water surface. For safety reasons, however, you should remove this floating dispenser on your swimming pool whenever there are swimmers in your swimming pool. Apply cyanuric acid on your swimming pool water. Afterwards, it will be a great idea to apply at most 200 grams of 70% granular chlorine on your swimming pool water every other day or upon your discretion, since your overall chlorine level will be at least 1.0 ppm by then.

However, it is your responsibility to check your test kit and control your chlorine level. Be careful not to let swimmers swim on your swimming pool whenever you have a 3.0 ppm chlorine reading on your test kit or whenever you have just applied chlorine on your swimming pool water or they will suffer from chlorine burns and irritated eyes.
I, therefore, recommend, that you ask a reliable swimming pool service company to clean and maintain your swimming pool for you, since water treatment is technical and involves daily maintenance which will eat up most of your time.
Visit our website at if you need a Pool Technician to apply chemicals on and clean your swimming pool for you.

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